AMHEBF Bursaries
The Alberta Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund (AMHEBF) supports and promotes education for the benefit of humanity.
Our bursaries are awarded to students at the post secondary level of education in Alberta and Northwest Territories with the exception of the Fred and Lilly North Masonic Bursary which accepts applications from specific locations within Alberta and Saskatchewan. Bursaries are awarded on a basis of need and proven scholastic ability. Applications are accepted December 1st annually and the application deadline is February 1st annually no later than 12:00pm.
Since its inception in 1959, over 4000 bursaries exceeding 6 Million dollars have been awarded to valued students. To learn more about the AMHEBF and its history, view our video documentary - click here.
Please view below our five bursaries - apply and donate today!

The Masonic Higher Education Bursary
For students living in Alberta and N.W.T. Awarded students are able to use bursary funds in Alberta post secondary institutions. Bursary amounts based on fund financials - historically thirty (30) $6000.00 bursaries awarded annually - Apply.

The Lauraine Douchet Masonic Bursary
For students enrolled in the Faculty of Pharmacy and/or Medicine. Awarded students are able to use bursary funds in Alberta post secondary institutions. Students must complete a 500 word essay. Bursary amounts based on fund financials - historically two (2) $7000.00 bursaries awarded annually - Apply.

The Mathews Konschak Trust Masonic Bursary
For students living in the Peace River Regional District. Awarded students are able to use bursary funds in Alberta post secondary institutions. Bursary amounts based on fund financials - historically ten (10) $6000.00 bursaries awarded annually - Apply.

The Fred & Lilly North Masonic Bursary
For students graduating grade 12 enrolled in Lloyminster Comprehensive High School and/or Kitscoty High School. Awarded students are able to use bursary funds in Alberta or Saskatchewan post secondary institutions. Students must complete a 500 word essay. Bursary amounts are two (2) $10,000.00 bursaries awarded annually - Apply.

The Wendy & Chris Batty Masonic Bursary
For students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering or Engineering Technology. Awarded students are able to use bursary funds in Alberta post secondary institutions. Bursary amounts are two (2) $6000.00 bursary awarded annually - Apply.

Please Donate to the AMHEBF
The AMHEBF obtains its funding through donations from individual Freemasons, Masonic clubs and concordant bodies, the general public, memorial donations and bequests placed in wills. It is a Canadian registered charitable fund (10744 7153RR0001) and receipts for income tax purposes are issued. If you wish to donate to the AMHEBF, please dontate through our CanadaHelps portal - click here or if a memorial or bequest please contact the AMHEBF - click here.
Our One Aim
To please each other and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness.
Please consider donating to the AMHEBF - click here.
Freemasonry In Alberta
For information on Freemasonry in Alberta visit the Grand Lodge of Alberta website.